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http://bunny-pink-bratzprincess ♥
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dear bloggers,

Have u heard of the news about the changing from English 2 Malay.Do u agree?I personally don't!As a student,I do not like this kind of education.The early students such as my parents studied in Bahasa Melayu, however later on they couldn't catch well in colledge studies as the courses are thought in english.

Why didn't the goverment think of this matter?Is it because all the minister's children are all sent to overseas to study?Why they are so selfish to only thing about themselves?Why don't they give the best education to malaysians?Pls go to to leave a comment.=)
Monday, June 29, 2009

Dear Bloggers,

Sorry 4 not blogging 4 so........ long!Coz now studying 4 UPSR u noe.....actually I've already studied really hard but my mom always think it is not enough leh...feel so tired and worn out.
Life in skool is like so boring recently,nvr do anything special lor...waitin 4 frenz 2 chat....i also hav 2 blog secretly without my parent's notice coz they will scold....I mean they do not like it.
But i'm alredy very lucky 2 hav parents 2 worry 4 me...actually they really love me!=)>_<
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dear Bloggers,

Hello! i' m so sorry 4 not bloggin!LOL!Now I still sick..tats y got chanse 2 use comp!Did u try out viwawa?its great rite/i knew it!i really Love it 2 go...sis cryin....
Monday, May 11, 2009

Dear Bloggers,

Sorry 4 not bloggin 4 like so long!Actually I am now in my school's computer lab!Hahaha....never thought of it rite?never mind....but everyone please try Viwawa @ games in viwawa r so cool...theres Sushido, checkmate n many more!Create a viwawa account, please!!!!!Anyway i am studying 4 my exams!STRESS! STRESS!but hu can help it? NO ONE!although its not UPSR ...but i'll try my best lor..... WITHLOVE:SASHA/SARA
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dear bloggers,

Sori 4 not blogging 4 so long lor ... hahaha...pls lah!
Anyway..I am 2 busi with life...I really think we should conserve our earth lor
Earth is the most wonderful thing in my life...Pls conserve it kay !!!!!!!!!(^(00)^)
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear bloggers,

today is juz a normal day 2 me coz got part of going skool is not studying ... wanna noe why!!!! coz i went 2 chess competition..!! =D hahahahahha my frenz Wai Teng n Sanjna got into district level!!! so happy 4 them. Chn New year is about 1 week away !!! Going balik kampung next Fri!!Anyway I learn a new way of drawing:(^(00)^)Get it !! Actually I mean no harm lah ..not saying any one is (^(00)^)!!Kay! Never blog so much coz cousin juz com from KL!!Got 2 company her!!=)Well Bye Bye !!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009

Dear bloggers,

hey...everyone goin 2 skool? ... happy 2 c all skool frenz ah ?... I noe lah ..some of u dun wan 2 go skool right?.. I am so happy 2 c all the old faces n new faces in skool! Alot new teacher at my skool leh .. dunno the names lah.. but all common lah..Eg:Hashim,Liza ...etc..etc..My moral teacher is Guru Besar.....""... Not very scared lah actually..she is not exacly as strict as I thought!!Although got new teacher.. I stil mis my old teacher..they r all so good...!!!! I miss their style of teaching,talking n even doin things.2day last episode of 'Little Nyonya'.Got 2 go watch!